Veneers are perhaps the simplest yet most effective dental restorations. They are primarily used to make cosmetic changes to the teeth and enhance their functionality and structural integrity. They are often made from dental-grade ceramic or composite resin and can be customized to mimic the exact appearance of the adjoining natural teeth.
Laminates are similar to veneers but even thinner. They are so thin that the color of the tooth under it would be visible due to their translucent nature. They often do not require a preparation phase due to their thin structure.
A thorough diagnosis will be conducted when you visit our dental office for the initial consultation. We will scan the teeth and take an oral x-ray to understand better, the contour of the teeth and the extent of damage caused to the teeth, if any. This data will be used to make a digital impression of the tooth requiring restoration. It will be shared with the dental laboratory for fabricating the veneer, which could take a few days. Meanwhile, the dentist will place a temporary restoration on the tooth to cover the prepared surface.
Next, a second appointment will be scheduled, during which the restoration will be placed on the tooth. Before this, the surface of the tooth will be cleaned and roughened using a suitable etching liquid, which allows the veneer to adhere firmly to the tooth surface. The restoration will be bonded to the tooth firmly using dental adhesives, which will be hardened using a curing light. A bite test will ensure the restoration fits well and doesn’t alter your natural bite.
We, at SimpliSimles, make sure that our patient gets the right treatment, attention, and care needed from our top-class dentists. We also serve areas including Plainview, Syosset, Jericho, Bethpage, Massapequa, Levittown, and Westbury. You can get in touch with us through online consultation or by calling us, and we'll guide you further. Call at (516) 336-4902 to book an appointment at our Hicksville office and (516) 756-0111 for the Farmingdale office.
Phone: (516) 336-4902
Fax: (516) 336-4805
Phone: (516) 756-0111
Fax: (516) 986-2282